When a mom tries to do Valentine’s Day
What else could happen when a new mom tries to go out with her husband on Valentine’s Day after almost two years of not going out AT NIGHT? Magic or chaos? Read on to find out!
What else could happen when a new mom tries to go out with her husband on Valentine’s Day after almost two years of not going out AT NIGHT? Magic or chaos? Read on to find out!
As a new mom, you can try your best to prepare for what awaits you upon pushing out that tiny human but you still somehow end up winging it almost ALL the time.
This is my list of 10 things to NOT do as new mom based on EVERYTHING I did in the first 6 months!
Baby girl (BG) falls asleep during a nursing session.
I take her up and put her in the crib as though I am handling a bomb.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are..
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky..
Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
#regularmoms #versus #measamom #shehastolearn #freshprinceofbelair #iconic #freshestmom #rappingmom #betterthanmybeatboxing
Date: 10 September 2018
It’s 6:00am. You just finished breastfeeding your baby and you keep her in the bed with you because honestly, you like the cuddles.
She plays a little then falls asleep.
You look at the little angel with love, feeling so blessed then…
Wham! You get a tiny Chuck Norris punch to the face! 🤕
#whatdidIdo #sheisstillasleep #punchedmewithhereyesclosed #breastmilkreallymakesthemstrong #tinyChuckNorris #herpunchgameisstrong #babyfightclub? #justkidding #donotclasschildservices #momlife #mommymoments
Date: 24 August 2018